Gazdagrét Pharmacy (2013)

Gazdagrét Pharmacy
Budapest, XI. district Gazdagréti tér 6.

On the edge of the concrete ring of the Gazdagréti housing estate, the pharmacy building, now still clad in reinforced concrete panels, humbly sits in the shadow of the tall houses. While the pharmacy is in operation, parts of the building will be demolished and replaced by a new two-storey jewel box designed by architect Anna Rátki by the end of October, which will also meet the maximum needs of customers.


Gazdagréti Pharmacy Ltd


Anna Rátki

Project Officer:

krisztián minorics

Construction manager:

Csaba Beekeeper

Lead time:

March 2013 - October 2013


demolition, Budapest, Gazdagréti Pharmacy, Pharmacy, new construction