
Meto Építő Zrt. /  (Page 6)
Thália Theatre Old Studio Reconstruction

Thália Theatre Old Studio Reconstruction (2009)

Thália Theatre Old Studio Reconstruction Budapest, VI. Nagymező utca 20. The Old Studio of the Thália Theatre stands on the site of the old Arizóna Bar. It is an exciting play space and a great favourite of theatre directors. We gave up the task of modernising this space, repairing structural defects and creating a new alternative theatre space that retains the character of the old space. ...

Corvin House Budapest

Corvin House Budapest (2006-2007)

Corvin Ház Budapest, Ady Endre út 42-44. shops, offices, apartments. On the ground floor, shops of various sizes, showroom, service unit for rent; on the upper floors, offices of 2000 m2; 20 apartments with green roof; 20 apartments with gallery. ...